A Lifestyle Blog

The Road Less Traveled

by Jacquie F. Galvin

Guest Blog, Travel Jacqueline galvin Guest Blog, Travel Jacqueline galvin

Through the Lens

LLRM guest blogger Paul Kosling and his fiancée share their adventures through America’s national parks with captivating photography, showcasing stunning images of the nation’s most iconic landscapes.

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Travel Jacqueline galvin Travel Jacqueline galvin

The Lighthouse at Bodie Island

It’s pronounced like “body” since the lighthouses were constructed to help mariners navigate through the “Graveyard of the Atlantic.” Outer Banks lighthouses are spaced every 40 miles, so mariners have continuous views of the beacons up the narrow strip of coastline.

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About Jacquie


Jacqueline Farthing Galvin, a.k.a Jacquie Galvin, or affectionately, Mama Galvin, is an author and blogger, and President & CEO of Live Life’s Rich Moments.

Throughout her 30-year career, she has independently published over 100 works including short stories, mystery thrillers, feature articles, and travel pieces. At the beginning of her literary journey, she was also running a freight business and working as a medical representative.

Jacquie’s most recently published creation Grace for Grant: A Journey with an Old Soul follows her family's odyssey leading to the death of her 19-year-old son Grant.

Her trips on ‘The Road Less Traveled’ are accompanied by her videographer and life companion Mark Ray. Jacquie is the voice of The Road Less Traveled, documenting their excursions across the country.

Her blog features people, places, and events, and supports local businesses and happenings near and far.

Follow her on The Road Less Traveled and see where it takes you!